Bioline becomes part of the InVivo Group
Bioline embarks on exciting new times as it becomes part of the InVivo group!

On the 15th March 2016 InVivo acquired Syngenta Bioline through its holding company InVivo AgroSciences. Following this acquisition, on 29th April 2016 Syngenta Bioline became Bioline AgroSciences Ltd.
The new ownership of Bioline AgroSciences heralds new opportunities and a bright new future for Bioline to realize its full potential. InVivo is committed to producing more and better through its “2025 by InVivo” strategic plan. A key element of this commitment is towards ‘biosolutions’, and Bioline AgroSciences has now become a critical part of the biosolutions that InVivo has to offer.
In collaboration with Biotop, a longstanding subsidiary of InVivo which specializes in macro-organism biological control, Bioline AgroSciences will be extremely well placed to increase capacity, up-scale innovation and provide better solutions for its customers. The fit between Biotop and Bioline AgroSciences is highly complementary, providing expertise in specialty and arable crops, strong geographical presence in France and internationally, and a broad portfolio of the highest quality Bio-control products.
With the support of InVivo, Bioline AgroSciences is already embarking on its exciting new future, as it begins increasing investment in its products, facilities and people.