Pest control
Adaline products contain the predatory ladybug, Adalia bipunctata. These products are recommended for treating aphid hotspots because they can give rapid reduction of established aphid colonies. Adults and larvae are both voracious predators of most types of aphid. They combine well with parasites products such as Aphiline, which take longer to give visible control.
Amblyline biological control agent contains the predatory mite Amblyseius cucumeris. It is a predator of Western Flower thrips, Chili Thrips and several other thrips species.
Anderline biological control agent contains the predatory mite, Amblyseius andersoni. It is a predatory mite that feeds on many types of small arthropod prey and pollen. It is ideal for preventive protection of greenhouse or outdoor ornamentals, vegetables and fruit crops
Apheline contains the parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis. This tiny wasp will sting and parasitise young stages of aphids such as Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Aulacorthum solani. Aphelinus abdominalis adults also feed on younger aphid instars contributing to overall control. This species should be used in preventative IPM programs against a wide range of aphids. It is a relatively long lived species so it is a good complement to releases of Aphiline and/or Erviline because it helps to give longer term control.
Aphidoline biological control agent contains the predatory midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza. This voracious midge lays its eggs in colonies of aphids, and the predatory larvae then attacks and feeds on the aphid prey. Aphidoletes aphidimyza larvae feed on more than 60 different species of aphid.
Aphiline biological control agent contains the Braconid wasp, Aphidius colemani. This wasp stings and parasitizes smaller aphid species, such as the melon or cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii), peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and tobacco aphid (Myzus nicotianae).
Aphiline Berry
Berry crops (e.g. raspberries, currants, blueberries ...) can be attacked by more than 10 different species of aphids. Aphiline Berry is a mixture of 5 parasitoids to cover the spectrum of aphids found on berry crops without having to identify them. The product contains Aphidius ervi, Aphidius matricariae, Praon volucre, Aphidius colemani and Aphelinus abdominalis in proportions that have been carefully designed to maximise efficacy against the aphids that are likely to be found in Berry crops.
Aphiline Veg
Aphiline Veg biological control agent contains the mummies of three different parasites: Aphelinus abdominalis, Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi, which help control 25 species of aphids, including the most common pest species, Aphis gossypii, Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Myzus persicae.
One application, twice the protection
BUGLINE DUO is the first release system on the market to introduce two species of predatory mite in a single application. The combination of two predatory mites in the same product thus provides protection against several types of pest in a single application for an optimal efficacy of the crop protection programme. This product requires fewer applications and less time to install, while guaranteeing perfect dosing with no wastage and no need for specific training.
- DUO: exclusive combination of two predatory mites in the same product. The BUGLINE DUO innovation contains two different species of predatory mite with complementary actions. This exclusive combination in the same release system aims to protect crops from several pests with a single application. The two species are packaged separately in alternating sachets for an even distribution.
- BUGLINE: an easy-to-install pre-dosed strip. The BUGLINE DUO system consists of a succession of sachets joined together to form a strip. The predatory mites are distributed in the sachets at a constant dose and alternate with perfect regularity. Thus, when installing the strip, a uniform and regular dose is automatically ensured without having to worry about distributing the products. Since the paper used in Bugline has a certain water resistance and the exit holes for the predatory mites are underneath, Bugline can be used with standard irrigation systems that water the plants from above.
- CRS sachets: extended efficacy. BUGLINE DUO sachets contain CRS technology. This technology ensures that each sachet constitutes a mini-breeding hub of predatory
Californiline biological control agent contains the predatory mite, Amblyseius californicus. It is a generalist predator targeting various spider mite species including two-spotted mites.
Chrysoline biological control agent contains the second instar larvae of Chrysoperla sp. They are commonly known as Green Lacewings. Chrysoperla sp. larvae are predators of insects, mites and aphids. Adults feed only on nectar and pollen, and are not predatory.
Cryptoline biological control agent contains Cryptolaemus montrouzieri adults with a feeding strip. Cryptoleamus adults and larvae are predators of mealybugs (Pseudococcus sp.).
Digline biological control agent contains the ectoparasitic wasp, Diglyphus isaea. It specializes in attacking the larval stages of leafminer pests, such as Liriomyza species L. trifolii and L huidobrensis, as well as the chrysanthemum leafminer, Phytomyza syngenesiae.
Encarline biological control agent contains the hymenopterous parasitic wasp, Encarsia formosa. It attacks by host feeding on younger whitefly larval stages and parasitizing in the third and fourth larval stage of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum.
Encarline Mix
Encarline Mix biological control agent mix contains the hymenopterous parasites, Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus eremicus. It controls the younger larvae of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and silverleaf/sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, by host feeding and the older larva by parasitism (reproduction).
Eretline biological control agent contains the hymenopterous parasitic wasp, Eretmocerus eremicus. It attacks whitefly by host feeding on younger larval stages and parasitizing the second larval stage of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and silverleaf/sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci.
Erviline biological control agent contains the Braconid wasp, Aphidius ervi. It stings and parasitizes larger aphids, such as the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani, and the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, as well as several other aphid species.
Exhibitline hb
Exhibitline Hb biological control agent contains the insect pathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, as infective juveniles. It is used to control black vine weevil larvae in ornamentals and berries. It is also used for curative chafer grub control in turf.
Exhibitline Pc
EXHIBITLINE Pc is a biological solution used for the management of slugs and snails in crops. It contains an entomopathogenic nematode that naturally occurs in the soil. As living organisms, the nematodes actively search for, infect and kill slugs in a few days. As an alternative to existing molluscicides, in addition to being very effective, the product does not harm the beneficial fauna, crops and vertebrates. It can be used easily with standard equipment without any constraints as it has no re-entry interval.
Exhibitline PH
EXHIBITLINE PH is a biological solution used for the management of slugs and snails in crops. It contains an enthomopathogenic nematode that naturally occurs in the soils. As living organisms, the nematodes actively search for, infect and kills slugs in a few days. As an alternative to existing molluscicides, in addition to being very effective, the product does not harm the beneficial fauna, crops and vertebrates. It can be used easily with standard equipments without any constraints as it has no re-entry interval.
Exhibitline Sc
Exhibitline Sc biological control agent contains the insect pathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, as infective juveniles. It is used to control of Leatherjackets and Cutworms in turf.
Exhibitline sf
Exhibitline Sf biological control agent contains the insect pathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae, as infective juveniles. It helps control fungus gnat larvae and Western Flower thrips on ornamental plants.
Nemasys L®
Nemasys L® biological control agent contains the insect pathogenic nematode, Steinernema kraussei, as infective juveniles. It is used to control black vine weevil larvae in ornamentals and berries.
Feltiella acarisuga is a predatory midge. This species is highly specialist for feeding on spider mite. The larvae are a translucent to yellow-ish colour and feed exclusively on spider mites. This is a voracious predator which is best suited to curative control of established spidermite colonies.
One application, twice the protection
GEMINI DUO is the first release system on the market to introduce two species of predatory mite in a single application. The combination of two predatory mites in the same product thus provides protection against several types of pest in a single application for an optimal efficacy of the crop protection programme. This product requires fewer applications and less time to install, while guaranteeing perfect dosing with no wastage and no need for specific training.
- DUO: an exclusive combination of two predatory mites in the same product. The GEMINI DUO innovation contains two different species of predatory mite with complementary actions. This exclusive combination in the same release system aims to protect crops from several pests with a single application. The two species are packaged separately in adjacent sachets.
- GEMINI: an easy-to-install protection system. The GEMINI system consists of two sachets joined together to form a roof. Each species of predatory mite is distributed in the sachets at a fixed dose. Thus, when the Gemini sachets are installed, an even ratio between the two species is guaranteed. Due to the roof shape of the Gemini sachets and since the paper used has a certain water resistance and the exit holes for the predatory mites are underneath, Gemini Duo can be used with standard irrigation systems that water the plants from above.
- CRS sachets: extended efficacy. GEMINI DUO sachets contain CRS technology. This technology ensures that each sachet constitutes a mini-breeding hub of predatory mites. They progressively leave the sachet over several weeks, thus providing continuous crop protection.
Hesperusline biological control agent contains the predatory bug, Dicyphus hesperus. Dicyphus hesperus is a generalist predatory bug that is primarily released for whitefly control, but will feed on other pests such as Thrips, moth eggs and mites. It is best to establish the Dicyphus population with the help of mullein plants.
Hypoline biological control agent contains the soil-dwelling predatory mite, Hypoaspis miles (also known as Stratiolaelaps scimitus). These mites aid in controlling fungus gnat larvae, Shorefly larvae and thrips pupae that drop from the plant into the growing media. Hypoline can be used on all covered crops.
Macroline biological control agent contains the predatory bug, Macrolophus pygmaeus. This generalist predatory bug is primarily released for whitefly control, but will feed on other pests such as moth eggs and caterpillars.
Mitefood is a supplementary feed designed to maximise the strength of your preventative control programs. Feeding predatory mites on your crop ensures the predators are ready and waiting for the arrival of the target pest.
Montyline biological control agent contains the predatory mite, Amblyseius montdorensis. It is a predatory mite that feeds on many types of small arthropod prey and pollen. It is ideal for preventive control of whitefly and thrips in greenhouses. Montyline is active at a broader range of temperatures than other predatory mites, making it perfect for controlling pests in challenging environmental conditions. Please note: Not all products/species will be available in all countries. Licence restrictions may apply to the use of some products. For more information contact your distributor or Bioline AgroSciences.
Oriline products contain the predatory bug Orius, which has a long history of providing effective and reliable thrips control in a range of protected crops. Orius serves as a standard preventive treatment for thrips, particularly Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. The Oriline product range consists of three products, each tailored to the country and the use required.
Phytoline biological control agent contains the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis. This well-known predator will eat large numbers of two-spotted mite, Tetranychus urticae. It is a standard treatment in many crops, particularly tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and ornamentals.
Precision sprayable food for optimized predatory mite establishment
PREDAFIX PLUS is the leading sprayable food for predatory mites on the market. As a third generation feed, it provides an effective alternative to existing food sources. PREDAFIX PLUS is sprayed onto the crop to feed the predatory mites and improve their establishment, and thus the efficacy of the pest protection. PREDAFIX PLUS reduces both application time and costs since it can be mixed with other products to be sprayed.
PREDAFIX PLUS contains only pure and sterilised eggs of an astigmatic mite that is naturally present in many countries. These eggs are hypoallergenic to humans. Feeding with PREDAFIX PLUS optimizes the installation of predatory mites by raising their fertility (more than twice as many eggs laid), resulting in an increase in the populations of predatory mites on the plant. It can be used to feed the majority of predatory mites on many types of crop. PREDAFIX PLUS increases their population from the first
week, and by up to 5 times more compared to the non-fed populations. PREDAFIX PLUS is applied by spraying on the crop using a standard sprayer and can be mixed with phytosanitary products.*
SPRAYVENT - The high precision mite sprayer
SPRAYVENT is the first liquid phase Phytoseiulus persimilis spraying system on the market. The SPRAYVENT system combines a unique liquid formulation ensuring the survival of Phytosieulus in water and a patented device guaranteeing regular, effective and harmless application for Phytoseiulus.
Staphyline biological control agent contains the predatory beetle, Atheta coriaria. It can be used in crops such as herbs and ornamentals to protect against soil and compost pests. It is a generalist feeder, but adults and young stages are particularly good at feeding on the larvae of fungus gnats (Bradysia spp, Lycoriella spp, and Sciara spp) and shoreflies (Scatella spp).
Starskii biological control agent contains the predatory mite, Amblyseius swirskii. It is primarily used to control whiteflies and thrips but it will provide some reduction in other small pest species.
Tricholine TA
Trichogramma are minute (< 1 mm) parasitic wasps. The female lays its eggs in the eggs of the pests, destroying them and preventing the emergence of caterpillars. Although Tricholine TA was first discovered as a product for controlling Tuta absoluta on Tomatoes, it's now known to control a broad range of lepidopteran pests including Duponchelia spp., Chrysodeixis spp. and Heliothis spp. It can also be used in a wide range of crops including tomato, bell peppers, aubergines, ornamentals, tobacco and even bananas.