North America: What biocontrol do your final hanging baskets need?
Are thrips a threat to the finals phase of your mid season spring production? Discover what natural predator you need to implement below.

As your mid spring hanging basket production approaches it’s finish line — it’s important to keep up observations for any pests that could creep into your hanging baskets and threaten their vigorous health during production. One pest to be on high alert for is thrips. If thrips manage to infest your mid spring production at this phase, your plants will become extremely weak and may be unable to carry out photosynthesis encouraging them to turn pale or yellow, as growth is stunted. Aphids can also pose threat to your midspring hanging basket production.
Below, discover what biological control agents will ensure a strong IPM strategy for the remainder of the hanging basket spring season.
What can I do to prevent pest damage in the final planting of hanging baskets?
1. Implement Amblyline Stick: Propagation is the critical time to lay the foundations for successful pest management. Amblyline Stick is a format that results in a consistent and quick release of Amblyseius cucumeris over several weeks of production minimising risk of thrips damage.
2. Use Aphiline Blisters: Aphids could also pose a threat to the quality of your hanging baskets, so be sure to implement an aphid biocontrol. Our Aphiline (Aphidius colemanii) works by stinging and parasitizing smaller aphid species such as: green peach aphids and black melon aphids.
3. Add Aphidoline Blisters: Using Aphidoletes aphidimyza is a key treatment for aphid control as it is a generalist predator for aphids it will feed on a wide range of aphids.
4. Implement Oriline: Try inoculating the pepper banker plants with Orius and ephestia eggs.