3 last minute biocontrol tips for French tomato growers
Utilise the remainder of your tomato season with three key biological control agents

Are you a French AGH tomato grower in need of some last minute biocontrol tips to utilise the remainder of your growing season?
As tomato growers, you dream of plump, firm and juicy tomatoes that haven’t been chomped on by pests. But even with optimal conditions and keeping a close eye throughout the majority of their growing season — it’s impossible to guarantee no devastating infestations of Whitefly, Tomato moth or Caterpillars. With that in mind, you begin to understand why it is important to protect your crop not just at the beginning, but all the way until harvesting.
Curious to know what key BCA’s (biological control agents) you can implement to ensure your tomatoes receive a first line of defense approaching the end of their growing season? Learn all below.
1. Macroline
Macroline features the biological control agent, Macrolophus pygmaeus. It is primarily released for whitefly control, but will feed on other pests such as moth eggs and caterpillars. As a generalist predatory bug, it would be highly recommended to protect your tomato crop.
2. Eretline
Eretline uses the hymenopterous parasitic wasp, Eretmocerus eremicus. It attacks whitefly by host feeding on younger larval stages and parasitising the second larval stage of greenhouse whitefly. Eretline perfectly complements our Macroline for maximum natural protection
3. Encarline
Encarline releases the hymenopterous parasitic wasp, Encarsia formosa. Encarline works by attacking and host feeding on younger whitefly larval stages. The BCA also parasitises in the third and fourth larval stage of the greenhouse whitefly.